Chuck Dizzle

Chuck Dizzle

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Man Wins Lawsuit After Claiming Restaurant Over-Served Him Alcohol

(Photo by KENZO TRIBOUILLARD/AFP via Getty Images)

Photo: AFP

A Texas man just won $5.5 Million in a lawsuit after claiming a restaurant over-served him alcohol. The five lawsuit claims include, premises liability, negligence and damages arising from foreseeable criminal conduct.

According to the Houston Chronicle, Daniel Rawls filed a civil suit against La Fogata Mexican Grill claiming they over-served alcohol, him causing him to get into an argument with another customer in which he got hurt. Rawls says he sustained a “serious and debilitating” head injury after he was assaulted and fell over “an uneven parking lot."

Per the Houston Chronicle, "Rawls also allegedly has a history of excessive drinking." Records show he was arrested twice, in February 2019 and May of this year, on charges of public intoxication.

La Fogata has 30 days to file a notice of appeal if they intend to seek a new trial.

If you'd like to read more about this lawsuit in details, click here.

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